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Hipervinculo Dibujo artístico
More artists! This time with dates to help you out.
It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.
Hipervinculo Dibujo artístico
Name the artist based on the paintings he or she painted.
It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.
Hipervinculo Dibujo artístico
Based on the last name, guess the first names of these famous painters & sculptors.
It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.
Hipervinculo Dibujo artístico
Name each artist, based on two of their paintings or sculptures.
It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.
Hipervinculo Biología
We give you two people. Name the medical disorder they suffer(ed) from. Some of the diagnoses for historical figures are speculative. Includes psychiatric disorders.
It is an educational content by Jet ...
Hipervinculo Historia
Based on the description, name these people who left their home country for another.
It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.
Hipervinculo Dibujo artístico
Based on the last name, guess the first names of these famous artists.
It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.
Hipervinculo Dibujo artístico
Name the artist or the art work of the picture below.
It is an educational content by JetPunk, site that contains a wide variety of quizzes.
Ejercicio resuelto sobre definiciones de artistas, movimientos y conceptos artísticos que corresponde a un examen de Historia del Arte de la prueba de selectividad. El enunciado es el siguiente ...
Estudio de la corriente pictórica que supera los principios lumínicos del Impresionismo para abrir las puertas a las vanguardias del siglo XX. El postimpresionismo supone una continuación pero a la ve ...
Didactalia-ri Gehitzea Arrastra el botón a la barra de marcadores del navegador y comparte tus contenidos preferidos. Más info...